Connecting Testnet
Visit this testnet Dapp link: Connect your Metamask Wallet by changing the network to ETH Sepolia Testnet
Add some Test ETH in your Wallet through ETH Seplia faucet: Import our stablecoin AMINT token in your Metamask Wallet by adding this "AMINT" contract address: 0x94ABB18eE78b3F4Ef303f24c50fd916cfB6f0742 Import Test USDT in your Metamask Wallet by adding this "TUSDT" contract address: 0x4eF259cECbE159Aabf1969e027ab4bd7Eadd033E Now you are set and can start minting AMINT stablecoins and exploring other modules. Look at the next sections for the guidance on how to do that.
In case, you want to buy AMINT directly from the secondary market then you can swap the same in Uniswap pool: ( Here you need to manually add the AMINT address as mentioned above to get AMINT stablecoin )
Last updated