Core Logics BorrowLiquidation Logics Here the logics used in Borrow Liquidation contract and BorrowLib are explained.
In code, many base PRECISION are used to avoid, arithmetic, division or modulo by zero errors.
ETH price ratio
Copy uint128 ratio = BorrowLib.calculateEthPriceRatio(
Copy function calculateEthPriceRatio(
uint128 depositEthPrice,
uint128 currentEthPrice
) public pure returns(uint128){
return (currentEthPrice * 10000)/depositEthPrice;
It will returns the ratio of current ETH price to the deposit ETH price.
Functions which are using the above logic
Borrower Debt
Copy uint256 borrowerDebt = (
(depositDetail.normalizedAmount * _lastCumulativeRate)/BorrowLib.RATE_PRECISION
to calculate the borrower's debt we are using this formula. Last cumulative rate we will get from calculateCumulativeRate method.
BorrowLib.RATE_PRECISION is base precision used, since last cumulative rate already have this precision we are dividing it here.
Functions which are using the above logic
Return to ABOND
Copy uint128 returnToAbond = BorrowLib.calculateReturnToAbond(
Copy function calculateReturnToAbond(
uint128 depositedAmount,
uint128 depositEthPrice,
uint128 returnToTreasury
) public pure returns(uint128){
return (
((((depositedAmount * depositEthPrice)/USDA_PRECISION)/100) - returnToTreasury) * 10)/100;
here return to treasury is the borrower's debt. USDA_PRECISION is used for decimals, since USDa has 6 decimals only.
Functions which are using the above logic
Liquidation Amount to get from other chain
Copy uint256 liqAmountToGetFromOtherChain = BorrowLib.getLiquidationAmountProportions(
Copy function getLiquidationAmountProportions(
uint256 _liqAmount,
uint256 _totalCdsDepositedAmount,
uint256 _totalGlobalCdsDepositedAmount,
uint256 _totalAvailableLiqAmount,
uint256 _totalGlobalAvailableLiqAmountAmount
) public pure returns (uint256){
uint256 otherChainCDSAmount = _totalGlobalCdsDepositedAmount - _totalCdsDepositedAmount;
uint256 totalAvailableLiqAmountInOtherChain = _totalGlobalAvailableLiqAmountAmount - _totalAvailableLiqAmount;
uint256 share = (otherChainCDSAmount * LIQ_AMOUNT_PRECISION)/_totalGlobalCdsDepositedAmount;
uint256 liqAmountToGet = (_liqAmount * share)/LIQ_AMOUNT_PRECISION;
uint256 liqAmountRemaining = _liqAmount - liqAmountToGet;
if(totalAvailableLiqAmountInOtherChain == 0){
liqAmountToGet = 0;
if(totalAvailableLiqAmountInOtherChain < liqAmountToGet) {
liqAmountToGet = totalAvailableLiqAmountInOtherChain;
if(totalAvailableLiqAmountInOtherChain > liqAmountToGet && _totalAvailableLiqAmount < liqAmountRemaining){
liqAmountToGet += liqAmountRemaining - _totalAvailableLiqAmount;
liqAmountToGet = liqAmountToGet;
return liqAmountToGet;
First calculate the each chain CDS amount proportions by dividing them with global CDS amount. Based on the proportions, calculate the liquidation amount to get from each chain.
Let say, if one chain don't have any CDS amount, then take all liquidation amount from other chain. If one chain don't have enough liquidation amount to get, then get available CDS amount from that chain and get remaining from other chain. If both have enough CDS amount, then get the amount based on proportion.
Functions which are using the above logic
CDS profits for Destination Chain
Copy uint128 cdsProfitsForOtherChain = BorrowLib.getCdsProfitsProportions(
Copy function getCdsProfitsProportions(
uint128 _liqAmount,
uint128 _liqAmountToGetFromOtherChain,
uint128 _cdsProfits
) public pure returns (uint128){
uint128 share = (_liqAmountToGetFromOtherChain * LIQ_AMOUNT_PRECISION)/_liqAmount;
uint128 cdsProfitsForOtherChain = (_cdsProfits * share)/LIQ_AMOUNT_PRECISION;
return cdsProfitsForOtherChain;
Param Name
Total Liquidation amount needed.
Proportion of Liquidation amount to get from destination chain in total liquidation amount.
Total CDS profits from liquidation.
Calculate the proportion of CDS amount contributed by each chain. Based on the proportions divide the CDS profits for each chain.
Functions which are using the above logic
Last updated 8 months ago