Smart Contracts flow

Overview of smart contracts

Autonomint protocol has 4 main contracts in which borrowing and dcds are the user interactive contracts.

  1. Borrowing contract

    Key Points:

    • Contract Purpose: The Borrowing contract facilitates a borrowing mechanism with stablecoin (AMINT) issuance, options integration, collateral management, and connections to external protocols like AAVE and Compound.

    • Key Features:

      • Deposit ETH, borrow AMINT stablecoins

      • Integrate options for risk mitigation

      • Manage collateral and liquidations

      • Interact with AAVE and Compound for yield

    • Governance: Pause functions via MultiSig

    • Links to Other Contracts:

      • IAMINT: Stablecoin contract

      • CDSInterface: Contract for Credit default swap (CDS)

      • IABONDToken: Abond token contract (likely for additional collateralization)

      • ITreasury: Treasury contract managing ETH deposits and borrowing

      • IOptions: Options contract for risk management

      • IMultiSign: MultiSig contract for governance

      • AggregatorV3Interface: Chainlink oracle for ETH price

  2. dCDS contract

    Key Points:

    • Contract Purpose: The dCDS contract facilitates a staking mechanism with stablecoin in which user can also opt for liquidation gains from borrowing contract.

    • Key Features:

      • Deposit stable-coin, get ~ 50% - 150% of yield and liquidation gains.

    • Governance: Pause functions via MultiSig

    • Links to Other Contracts:

      • IAMINT: Stablecoin contract

      • IBorrowing : Borrowing contract

      • CDSInterface: Contract for Credit default swap (CDS)

      • ITreasury: Treasury contract managing ETH deposits and borrowing

      • IMultiSign: MultiSig contract for governance

      • AggregatorV3Interface: Chainlink oracle for ETH price

  3. Options contract

    Key Points:

    • Contract Purpose: The dCDS contract facilitates a comprehensive set of functionalities for managing options within ecosystem, including price tracking, volatility calculation, option pricing.

    • Key Features:

      • EMA Calculation of the Ethereum price.

      • Standard Deviation Calculation to compute the standard deviation of Ethereum prices.

      • Option Price Calculation of an option based on Ethereum price, volatility, borrowing volume, CDS pool value, and the chosen strike price percentage.

    • Links to Other Contracts:

      • ITreasury: Treasury contract managing ETH deposits and borrowing

      • IBorrowing : Borrowing contract

      • CDSInterface: Contract for Credit default swap (CDS)

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